Magento Tip's on Magento, Web Development & Other Stuff


If you are trying an external script in Magento but are unable to complete the task and are getting the above error. Tasks such as deleting a customer will throw this error. The solution is this: Use the below code after including the file “app/Mage.php” Mage::register(‘isSecureArea’, true);    /* set secure admin area*/ Mage::getModel(‘review/review’)->load($review)->delete();  …

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Magento 2.1 what’s new?

I’m sure you have heard of the new release of Magento 2. Version 2.1.0 is now available and it includes some improvements and corrections in the functional part of the system. Magento Community Edition 2.1.0 contains the following new features: PayPal improvement. In this version there is PayPal in-context checkout. This functionality can help merchants…

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How to enable template path hints in magento admin

As you may know, Magento provides template path hints function to help you debug your template. However, this function is only available in front-end. Sometimes, you need to debug the template in back-end. How should you do? I have a tip to enable template path hints for magento admin. In the configuration file (config.xml) of…

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How to validate form in magento

As you know, Magento uses Prototype as javascript library.  It provides a simple way to validate html form values. Below is an example: <form name=”my-form” id=”my-form” method=”post”> <label for=”firstname”> < ?php echo $this->__(‘First name’) ?> <span>*</span></label><br /> <input  id=”firstname” name=”firstname” class=”input-text required-entry”/> <label for=”lastname”> < ?php echo $this->__(‘Last name’) ?> <span>*</span></label><br /> <input  id=”lastname” name=”lastname”…

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Magento templates and layout files location

It’s a bit late already, but I wanted to make sure I put at least one thing today so we’re going to go over the next question in the Magento Certification Study Guide. Here’s the question from the guide — lets get to it! Describe Magento templates and layout files location A theme consists of…

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