It’s a bit late already, but I wanted to make sure I put at least one thing today so we’re going to go over the next question in the Magento Certification Study Guide. Here’s the question from the guide — lets get to it!

Describe Magento templates and layout files location

A theme consists of the following elements:

Layout :


– app > design > frontend > package_name(Base) > theme_name(Default) > layout

– This folder includes XML files that define the layout of the theme. Layout files are basically a key part of view for MVC. This detects which block to load and which template files to be loaded in which controller action.

Because of Magento modularity, all XML files of the default theme are stored in separate folders with the name of the module to which they belong to. A non-default theme, contrariwise, should have a single layout file, named local.xml, where all layout updates are placed.

Template :


– app > design > frontend > package_name(Base) > theme_name(Default) > template

– This folder contains of .phtml files that have HTML and PHP code for each Magento blocks which will be displayed in the frontend.

Locale :


– app > design > frontend > package_name(Base) > theme_name(Default) > locale

– This folder contains .of CSV files organized on a per language basis that provide translations in format of languagecode_COUNTRTYCODE (en_US or en_UK)/translate.csv.

That’s about it for the Study Guide’s question. If you still want to know more, definitely check out the Designer’s Guide to Magento over on the Magento site.